Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Total diet elimination

Pause a moment and take a good look around:  When has dieting proved to be of long term benefit to anyone, even in the most remote way?  If there was evidence that diets work, people would be getting slimmer.  Instead we see more and more people dieting and getting fatter every day.  There was never a better time for total diet elimination.  Please let me explain why.

Noticeable weight problems began when "diet experts", like nutritionists, arrived on the scene to tell us we had to change our diet.  When we began to get fat, they had a new diet for us.  They seem to have formed a mutual synergy with the packaged food industry which branched out to become the diet food industry.

In the seventies, before diets became a fad, people seemed just as healthy as they do today.  More so actually, because most of them were slim.  Yet, they did not have the great advantage of all the medical advances we take for granted today.

It is one thing, when people create destructive behavior towards themselves.  It is quite another thing when it is done to you by others, under the guise of serving your health and well being.  That's when we all end up as experiments for vested interests.

When we surrender our diet to others it is not long before weight problems become inherited.  That's when life begins with a weight problem    It's when entire families become fat and believe it is their destiny.  Once a generational influence begins there will soon be no way back.  Before that happens, somebody has to step in.

The only person who is going to care enough about your family to step in and bring the madness to a halt  - is you.  You may be the only person who can save your children and your grandchildren from a life of obesity.  If you are overweight yourself you will know exactly what a life of being fat is going to mean to them.

People have forgotten, or they simply were not around to know when things were different.  They imagine that in the past, hardship and lack of food was the reason people did not get fat.  That's simply wrong.  During the war there were rations, but you did not go hungry.  In the fifties, sixties and seventies, there was no shortage of food and there was plenty of variety.  There were even fast food outlets.

Just as today, people suffered heart attacks and strokes. They did not seem any more common, they were just a lot more likely to be fatal. A lot of people still ate bacon and eggs at breakfast.  Meat still had normal fat and bread was not viewed as a necessity with every meal.
People with weight problems were usually people with a medical problem like diabetes or a thyroid condition.  When people would put on a few pounds they would stay away from sweets for a couple of weeks and get on with their life.  They could do that because diet cravings were unheard of.  There was no such thing as a food addiction.

In those days, the idea that a healthy child could still have a weight problem would have been unbelievable, just as it ought to be today.    Yet today we see little children start school already obese.  We see entire families who are obese.  It is time for you to intercede because any real change can only begin in your own kitchen.

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