Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Yeast Infection 101 - How Do You Know If You Have a Yeast Infection?

If we talk about how to know if we have yeast infection, we are generally talking about the symptoms. The signs and symptoms of a yeast infection is not something that you will be able to miss even if you only had it for the first time. Some people tend to ignore the symptoms but they are only risking even more problem.
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The earlier symptoms that you will have would be the burning sensation and the sensation of complete dryness. But, the itchy symptom is always one of the cardinal signs that you have this particular sensation. If you do a little research about the burning and itchy private part, it will not take long for you to realize that what you have is indeed a yeast infection. Along with the cause, you will also discover a lot of things about its possible cure.
Only 25% of the general population of women will not have to deal with this particular infection for the rest of their lives. This means that the condition is fairly common that the rest of the women's general population will have to face this annoying challenge for their entire lives.
There are other conditions that may manifest similar symptoms as this infection but treating them with how you treat yeast infection will not give you any relief. Therefore, it is important that you know exactly what your condition is before you can take proper action and treatment. More often than not, women who had this infection experience this often. They will be able to identify the symptoms far easily than women who have this for the first time and only once.
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For women who experienced recurrent infection, they are actually familiar with the burning, itching and dryness on their genital area. The area may also be inflamed and it might be the result of scratching on your side. You will also be able to experience a vaginal discharge that is both dry and off-white looking just like a cottage cheese. When you urinate, you will experience burning sensation especially when the fluid will touch the swollen area but the discharge is not as common as the itchy and burning sensation. This kind of infection is painful during sexual intercourse. The intensity of the symptoms is varied. Some people will experience them on a lesser extent and some others will have to suffer.
One worst complication of this particular condition is the systemic yeast infection that will yield a different kind of manifestations like oral thrush, chronic fatigue, Crohn's disease, diabetes, night sweats, high blood pressure, lupus, fibromyalgia and high cholesterol blood levels. However, some condition is caused entirely because of antibiotic usage. Medications such as birth control pills as well as corticosteroids can also disrupt the normal body immune system, which could lead to this condition.
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