Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Yeast Infection - Symptoms, Causes And How To Get Rid Of It Fpr Good

Yeast infection is a common condition that affects not just women but also men and babies all around the world. Studies have shown that up to 70% of all women will get a yeast infection at some point or another in their lifetime. While the most common form of this infection is not life threatening, it can become unbearable due to some of the devastating symptoms that are associated it.
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What Causes A yeast Infection?
A yeast infection also known as candidias infection is caused by the micro-organism known as candidas albicans. This organism is naturally occurring in humans in low concentration. However, under certain conditions such as increased moisture and warmth in certain parts of the body they can grow in excess and cause serious problems.
What Are The Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection?
Some of the symptoms include:
* Vaginal Odor And Discharge
* Painful Urination
* Severe Itching
* Rashes Around The Vaginal Area
* Pain While Having Intercourse
* Vaginal Burning
How To Prevent The Infection In The First Place
There are certain things you can do to avoid having an infection. The idea is to reduce to overgrowth of the microorganism candida albicans so that the symptoms does not flare up.
1. Wear lose fitting clothes - You should wear clothes that allows your body to breathe. Wearing too much of a tight clothing will cause a build up of heat which will make you to sweat more and thus causing the candida albicans to overgrow.
2. Reduce Your Sugar And Alcohol Intake - It has been found that yeast feeds of sugar and alcohol products. This means that if you consume too much, you will increase the chances of you having an infection. Therefore it is best for you to have them in moderation.
3. Dry yourself Properly - Whenever you get your body wet, it is important that you dry yourself properly. Most women like to air dry after having a bath or swimming but that is not good enough. You should use a clean dry towel to dry yourself especially the vaginal area which will trap moisture for longer periods of time.
>> Discover How To Cure Yeast Infection In As Little As 12 Hours Here <<
Home Remedies To Treat A Yeast Infection
Aside from preventative measures, there are useful products that you may already have in your home that you can use to treat your infection. Note however, that these remedies should not be substituted for doctors advice. If you find that your infection is getting out of hand, be sure to consult with some form of medical expert.
Garlic Douche - This is a common for treating candidas infection. The anti-biotic and antifungal properties of the garlic will allow it to get the candidas albicans under control and ease the symptoms.
How to use - Peel a clove of garlic and wrap it in a piece of gauze then add some alive oil for lubrication and insert it into the vagina. Allow it to stay for about 30 minutes and then remove it.
Yogurt Tampon - This is another useful remedy as well. The yogurt contains some 'good bacteria' that will produce hydrogen peroxide that will create an inhibitory environment for the candidas albicans thus clearing your symptoms. However, the yogurt must be sugar free as we already established that yeast feeds on sugar. So having sugar in the yogurt is a big no no.
How to use - Get a small amount of sugar free yogurt and dip a tampon soaked in olive oil in it. Inserted the coated tampon in the vagina and allow it ti stay for about 30- 45 minutes.
>> Discover How To Cure Yeast Infection In As Little As 12 Hours Here <<

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